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A Historical Perspective

Lock Him Up: A Deep Dive into the Political Slogan

A Historical Perspective

The phrase "Lock Him Up" has its roots in the 1970s, when it was chanted at rallies against President Lyndon B. Johnson. The slogan was used to express anger and frustration with the Vietnam War and Johnson's administration. In the 1980s, the phrase was revived by conservatives who used it to demand the impeachment of President Bill Clinton.

The 2016 Presidential Election

In the 2016 presidential election, the phrase "Lock Him Up" became a rallying cry for supporters of Donald Trump. Trump used the slogan to attack his opponent, Hillary Clinton, and to demand that she be prosecuted for her use of a private email server while serving as Secretary of State.

The slogan became synonymous with Trump's campaign, and it was chanted at rallies and events across the country. It was also used in campaign materials, such as hats and t-shirts.

Post-Election Usage

After Trump was elected president, the phrase "Lock Him Up" continued to be used by his supporters. The slogan was chanted at rallies and events, and it was also used in online and social media posts.

The phrase has also been used by Trump's opponents, who have used it to criticize his policies and actions. The slogan has been used in protests and demonstrations, and it has also been used in online and social media posts.


The phrase "Lock Him Up" has a long and controversial history. It has been used to express both anger and frustration, and it has been used to demand the impeachment and prosecution of political figures. The slogan remains a divisive symbol in American politics, and it is likely to continue to be used in the years to come.
